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  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Stephen Knight
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Stephen Knight AM: Just one quick point and that is, is it legally possible to spend Section 106 or CIL money outside the boundary of a planning authority?
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Murad Qureshi AM: Can I raise two or three issues. The first one, Eddie, I am grateful that you mentioned the canals at the outset. It is just unfortunate they do not show up on the maps. I have no doubts that residential developers will be eying those canal sides very eagerly, because I suspect they can enhance the values of the developments by up to 40%. That is the residential side. However, I am more concerned that they are used during the works construction on the site. I think this is going to be a huge development site, over...
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Jenette Arnold OBE (Deputy Chair): I have a couple of questions, one for Sir Eddie, and one for Victoria Hills. Sir Eddie, in your introduction you mentioned that the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) master plan was similar to the blueprint adopted by the LLDC. I know, as one of the three Assembly Members for the area covered by the LLDC, and was heavily involved in the consultation and now I keep a very strong watching brief on what is going on, that many aspects of the LLDC’s vision has changed. For instance, the LLDC plan started...
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Richard Tracey AM: Thank you, Mr Chairman. Edward, can I first of all thank you for organising for the letter to Kit Malthouse [AM] about Wormwood Scrubs, which of course has been circulated to all of us. All of us on this side have received emails from many people who certainly were not constituents of ours but had some concerns, so I think it has helped very much to clarify, and I am grateful to Kit for writing to the Mayor about it. First of all though, I was going to say there is a lot of experience in this...
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Do you know, I am flabbergasted by this, Deputy Mayor. You have just told us that these low-energy bulbs are in fact a transitional thing, because LED bulbs are going to come in which are going to be efficient, but at the same time your publicity has told us that these light bulbs are going to have a very long life. Clearly it is quite pointless that they should have a long life if something more permanent is going to come along. It is a bit like somebody trying to sell me a Betamax video recorder! The whole thing is...
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    One final thing on this; I believe the whole thing is completely ludicrous. This refers to DIY Planet Repairs. Whenever we switch on any of the computers in this building a big thing comes up with an exclamation mark saying `DIY Planet Repairs'; utterly meaningless. I can well understand why there is an exclamation mark there; this has cost the Council Tax payers of London more than £1.25 million! Can you point to any `DIY Planet Repair' which the Mayor and this campaign have actually achieved?
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Of the 30,000 a year that you are predicting?
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Mr Watts, that is not actually true. In the Mayor's press release ' which I suppose in this case is Nicky's press release ' a 63% take-up was predicted, which is four million. Your figure bears no relationship to the press release and the fact that you only made available this tiny number of light bulbs suggests that there was never any truth in the matter at all.
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    It's very interested to hear you say that all of this is supposed to encourage people to take up these things. The total number of people who have actually taken up the insulation grants so far is barely 3,000 homes of the 30,000. The thing you principally have been trumpeting to make Londoners aware of how they can cut carbon issues has related to the exchange of light bulbs. Now the Mayor in his press release predicted that there was going to be a 60% take up of London's population of that; that is around four million people. I wonder...
  • Use of Statistics (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Damian Hockney
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    The problem is when the Chair of the Federation is saying what he says, which is so seriously strong when he says that it is being reported it is far below what really happens, underplayed for political reasons, you can play with statistics in that sense and the public does not feel that we have gotten on top of it. I think that independent statistics surely are the answer.