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  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Keith Prince
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Keith Prince AM: Thank you, Chairman. Good morning, Sir Terry. I am trying to get some dates straight in my head. You mentioned a Board meeting in July [2018] where it was raised that there could be problems. Could you tell me the date of that meeting in July, please?
  • Neighbourhood Policing Changes

    • Reference: 2012/0021-2
    • Question by: Steve O'Connell
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Joanne McCartney (Chair): Yes, I think we are going to have to move on now. Mayor, another pledge you made was to set up safer neighbourhood boards which was on a borough basis and you were going to amalgamate community police engagement groups, the Independent Custody Visitors Schemes and the Metropolitan Police Service Independent Advisory Groups. Steve, you wanted to ask some questions on this. Steve O'Connell (AM): This is a subject that is interesting a lot of people out there. Many of us spend probably too many hours on consultative groups and panels and the questions being asked by...
  • Safer Neighbourhood Teams (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Steve O'Connell
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Steve O'Connell (AM): Thank you. Following on from Navin, a very good question actually, many of us have a problem with our Safer Neighbourhood strengths, and it is not just in Navin's ward. Your offer, Mr Mayor, for that information could well open up floodgates, so be careful what you wish for.
  • Neighbourhood Policing Changes (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Richard Tracey (AM): Mr Mayor, this is really a work in progress, as I understand it. I mean, you have not spelt out a great deal of detail to Steve O'Connell. This was something that was in your manifesto but you are intending to develop this over the next year or two years?
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings

    • Reference: 2008/0001
    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    How does the Mayor intend to meet his environmental and housing objectives?
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Angie Bray
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Do you not find that they are absolutely grotesque to look at? I am a great one for doing what can be done but I also believe that the best way to encourage people to do the right thing is to make it possible for them to do the right thing. Is it not going to be absolutely vital that we get these light bulbs designed in a way that is acceptable to people because the light is appalling and they look absolutely grotesque?
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Thank you very much. You have told us lots about your good intentions and your principles and so on - and indeed about 90% of what you have said was about your intentions - but not what you have actually achieved. That really is rather like the expenditure that there has been on these programmes. Is it good value for money that, of the £2.7 million that has been spent on the Green Homes programme, £2.2 million of that has been spent on publicity and only £300,000 on actual insulation grant? Would you not say that the whole thing is...
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Angie Bray
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    It is very important that people have a practical solution to these light bulbs. I am genuinely asking whether we are going to get some improvements in the light bulb that might persuade people that they are not such a disastrous thing to move over to. That is what I am trying to get at.
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Angie Bray
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    I was just wondering about these light bulbs. Nicky, have you completely gone over to these hideous new light bulbs? Has your house completely gone over to them now?
  • Climate Change Action Plan and London's Buildings (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    The truth of the matter is, and this really is to the Deputy Mayor, that this was a publicity campaign. There was never any belief that there would be a substantial take'up, as indeed there was not a substantial take-up. It is a fact that every single one of the campaigns that you have had which do not involve compulsion relating to saving energy has been a complete failure. I wonder if I can put to you the amount of money that you have spent on Recycle for London; the Mayor has spent almost £1 million on this over the...