
London bus

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New regulations for PHV

Last activity 7 years ago

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Last activity 7 years ago

Stage: Policy published | Cleaning up London’s toxic air | Discussion
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Closed surveys

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A moving Tube pulling into a station

Off-peak Friday fares

Stage: Evidence gathering | Off-peak Fridays in London | Survey

From 8 March to 31 May, off-peak pay as you go fares will be available all day on Fridays on Tube and Rail across London and parts of the Southeast.


Londoners have responded 893 times | 12/03/2024 - 31/05/2024

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Rental e-scooters parked in an authorised bay in London

Rental e-scooters in London

Stage: Policy design | London rental e-scooter trial | Survey

City Hall is working with the Transport for London (TfL) E-scooter Trial Team to find out what Londoners think of the rental e-scooter scheme so far.


Londoners have responded 1146 times | 12/07/2023 - 17/09/2023

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Survey image

Walking in London


We would like to find out how often you walk, what your local green spaces are like, and more.


Londoners have responded 1438 times | 19/10/2018 - 29/10/2018

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A group of women cycling along rows of parked cars.

Reducing emissions from transport

Stage: Latest news | Reducing emissions from transport | Survey

Have your say on climate change, the aim to become a carbon-neutral city, tackling air pollution, reducing congestion and more.


Londoners have responded 1494 times | 24/02/2022 - 27/03/2022

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People on the Tube wearing a face covering

COVID-safe travel challenge

Stage: Closed | Mayor's Resilience Fund | Survey

Our latest survey is about your views on travelling and using public transport during the pandemic.


Londoners have responded 999 times | 07/06/2021 - 18/06/2021

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