Career progress

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Do you feel able to progress in your work? Does your employer provide you with suitable training and learning opportunities?

The discussion ran from 24 November 2017 - 02 January 2018


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What do you think an employer should do to help their staff progress in their work?

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I am 56 years old, female and have been out of work for 18 months having been made redundant from the marketing and strategy business. Prior to that I had been made redundant with the crash in 2009, following that I had some work but not...

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I am 56 years old, female and have been out of work for 18 months having been made redundant from the marketing and strategy business. Prior to that I had been made redundant with the crash in 2009, following that I had some work but not permanent. My career prior to hitting 50 had been 'strong and stable' to use a somewhat hackneyed expression!

For someone educated to Post grad level and having worked with some of the biggest global brands as clients, I can honestly say that I am experiencing ageism. I have " too much experience" or, if I apply for a lower salary than might be expected, this is questioned and am told I'd be bored. . Networking support might be available if I was an ex Lawyer, Financial services or management consultant as women's groups have been established focusing on City professionals.

There is NO support from the DWP with someone with my background. And given the future is not just one of an ageing population but of mine and future generations having to work to beyond the old retirement age, I am astounded that there is no institutional push from govt to employ older AND younger people. Training courses of use and repute are unaffordable if you are living off £74 week plus some savings.

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Relate entirely to your experience Clecky. Has happened to me twice in the UK, last time being 2010 and the only way out for me (having been rejected for dozens of jobs offering a fraction of my former salary) was to work overseas.


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Relate entirely to your experience Clecky. Has happened to me twice in the UK, last time being 2010 and the only way out for me (having been rejected for dozens of jobs offering a fraction of my former salary) was to work overseas.

Seven years (and another postgrad degree) later and I have only worked in the UK for a total of 9 months (took me 5 years to break back into the UK jobs market and then found the salaries on offer to be about 2/3rds of what they were in 2010).

it is almost as if this nation were fixated on economic self-destruction - no flexibility amongst employers, no recognition of practical experience or patently transferable skills, and no evidence of foresight let alone innovation. Worst of all has been the exponential increase in tuition fees for part-time providers such as Birkbeck and the OU.

The only saving grace for me (for those who have access to a good PC and a fast and reliable internet connection) is the growing body of free or low-cost MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses); although the UK is, surprise surprise, way behind in providing any such material (the Dutch FE bodies in particular put us to shame).

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Thanks for sharing your views so far.

How important do you think it is that employers invest in training and learning for their staff?

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Good Morning,

I recently completed my masters in international commercial law from a reputed London University. And the trouble i am facing to get a job is tremendous. Being a masters in law i am eligible for various jobs here in London...

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Good Morning,

I recently completed my masters in international commercial law from a reputed London University. And the trouble i am facing to get a job is tremendous. Being a masters in law i am eligible for various jobs here in London. But unfortunately my immigration status does not not help me enough to find a good job for me. Coming to London for your studies is a good part but then you cant get enough work experience here because you don't have enough visa to stay here. We international students pay 2times than others and we get to go back without having any jobs. Here the immigration status matters much more than your knowledge ,potential and skills to serve the community and the company.
I am very disheartened by this. I am trying to find a job for me and every company rejects my application because of my immigration status. Me being a masters in law will help me serve the community and bring betterment for the people who lives in this country. But still my skills and my potential doesn't matter, what matters is my immigration status.
My visa is expiring soon and i am still unable to find a job in my legal field.
If somebody is truly reading this and the questions asked are truly meant to solved then please consider my request.

Yours Sincerely,

Rahat Badar.

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Hi Rahat

Thank you for joining in this discussion.

The Mayor wants better opportunities for international students to work after graduating here. You can read more about his views here:…

Have you already been in touch with the UK Council for International Student Affairs? You can find more information and contact their advice line here:…

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Longer term due to developed to the investor can damaged our financial stability were untrustworthy worthwhile money out & in cashflow.

Unsucceed on all unemployed & low incomes applicants were less experiences through our qualifications...

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Longer term due to developed to the investor can damaged our financial stability were untrustworthy worthwhile money out & in cashflow.

Unsucceed on all unemployed & low incomes applicants were less experiences through our qualifications were an expensively rather than others as well as company has some shutdown as possible. Hardworking to all employed, employers plus stakeholders has been overcrowded by foreigner’s who are poverty line than us in the UK. New Special Job is called Casual Employee Council shall be together local authorities for all access on public and private partnerships.

Welfare society will be increased than Warfare in the future. Beautifully art of 1960 to 1980. Highly exceptional technology jobs means less Human Development. More renovations on handmade, artisanal & recycled workplace for all small business means families, friends & relationship only. Urban to rural were focus on the commuter villages putting down on the Cityscapes. Misleads on payroll activation were blocked the supply chain, afraid of homeless risk, loss of the incomes and protection gift taxpayers.

Votes are real sensitive caseload for all population on age revolution included Brexit means Hole British. More independent states as such Catalonia to Scotland. Refugees has loss of the homeland security. Harmful to them in our names. Immigrants were delayed & overdelayed waiting area back of the frontliner’s suspects. We are the same opportunity world, recession proof will be more assured. We are lives poor for the richer world.

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