Cultural and creative careers

Have you ever considered a career in the cultural or creative sector? If not, why not?

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1 in every 6 jobs in London is in the creative economy. This includes a wide range of jobs that support the sector, including singers, dancers and actors but also set builders, special effects, costume designers and accountants, facilities and operational management.

Have you ever considered a career in the cultural or creative sector? If not, why not? Would you ever consider a career change?

The discussion ran from 23 March 2018 - 23 June 2018


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Comments (5)

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If I was younger perhaps. But somehow have managed to do work that relates to my studies or areas of interest as well as creative work at the same time.  Providing a fulfilling balance.  The creative has rarely been paid. 

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I worked in the creative industries for over thirty years in London. If contracts were not so short term and work so random I would still be engaged in the area but pay is poor too and to sustain oneself (and pay the rent) in between...

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I worked in the creative industries for over thirty years in London. If contracts were not so short term and work so random I would still be engaged in the area but pay is poor too and to sustain oneself (and pay the rent) in between successful tenders means taking other work. The critical need to pay bills and rent as we age means many talented people leave behind their dreams and forsake their talents to earn a basic crust. I have, and my soul is more empty, my life less vivid.

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What creative/cultural attractions or workplaces do you know of in your local area?

Are you a regular visitor or customer? Would you like to be involved in that type of work?

Talk London

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I'd love a career change to work in the cultural sector but at 57 don't know where to start to get opportunities in this sector.

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Already working in cultural sector - 3 days a week for a national organisation plus freelance work