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The Mayor of London believes that our city's diversity is key to its success.

That's why together with the Mayor’s Design Advocates (MDAs) we have been developing the ‘Supporting Diversity’ pillar of the Good Growth by Design programme. This work has been led by the Diversity Sounding Board, which consists of ten design advocates and six advocate organisations.

Supporting Diversity Handbook

The Supporting Diversity Handbook is a tool for advocacy, communication and action on the barriers to equality diversity and inclusion (EDI). It brings together research, examples of leadership and recommendations that can be applied at all career stages.

The Mayor believes the sector should reflect the diversity of London itself and his commitment and leadership on this agenda aims to create an environment which gives people from all backgrounds equal opportunities.

Taking action

We know there are already practitioners talking about EDI policies and sharing ideas. We want to see this happening across the profession.

The handbook looks at actions that practitioners and organisations can take to reach out beyond their own practice. This could be by:

  • hosting workshops for primary school pupils
  • creating meaningful work placements
  • becoming a mentor
  • publicly advocating for a cause or sponsoring an initiative that champions underrepresented groups
  • recognising diversity and social value through judging criteria. Organisations who grant awards should ensure that judging panels are diverse
  • creating affordable and accessible EDI training that can be given across the profession
  • increasing their understanding of EDI requirements and make creative, meaningful responses when bidding for work

The Mayor is now calling on all practitioners to join him by taking action to overcome barriers to EDI in the built environment sector.

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