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Developing the evidence base for London’s Local Industrial Strategy

Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:

This report presents a first cut of the evidence base that is informing and supporting the development of London’s Local Industrial Strategy. It presents clear, robust and comprehensive evidence on London’s economy with a view to supporting the overall objective of achieving inclusive growth in London. It reports on London’s strengths, key constraints, issues and risks for the five foundations of productivity introduced by the Industrial Strategy White Paper (Business Environment, People, Infrastructure, Ideas and Places).

The report has sought to:

  • Reflect a wealth of evidence and analysis that the GLA has developed over the years, including, for example, the Economic Evidence Base for London 2016 and the draft London Plan 2017 as well as numerous technical publications by GLA Economics.
  • Consider future opportunities and challenges as well as the London economy’s current situation and recent history.
  • Provide rich granular and geographical detail to convey the complex and diverse nature of London’s economy.
  • Go beyond descriptive analysis to provide clear and useful policy insights.

We plan to continue to discuss our findings with external experts and to develop and refine our analysis in the next few months as we finalise the LIS Evidence Base report.

Additionally, GLA Economics has produced two reports on productivity to support and complement the London Local Industrial Strategy evidence base.

We hope that you will find this work of interest. If you have any comments or questions related to the research please email GLA Economics.

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