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  • Delivering the Mayor's manifesto [4]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 07 February 2019
    Leonie Cooper AM: Thank you very much, Chairman. I just wanted to ask you about the Low-Emission Bus Zones. It is almost two years since the first Low-Emission Bus Zone was launched in Putney High Street and it has made a huge difference to Putney High Street, although we are not quite within the European Union (EU) limits. I just wondered if you could set out - and perhaps the Commissioner can add something to this as well - how we are going to be building on that with the network of Low-Emission Bus Zones over the next year.
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Leonie Cooper AM: I would like Mr Mayor to answer my question. Good morning. I wanted to ask you about the pledge to use TfL land for housing and I wondered if you could tell us a bit more about what sites you are planning to fast-track for housing.
  • Mayor's Transport Manifesto (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Nicky Gavron
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Nicky Gavron AM: Good morning, Mr Mayor. Good morning, Commissioner Brown. I wanted to ask a couple of questions following on from the question about your manifesto commitments on London’s air quality. The first is that you have talked, both of you, about bringing forward the ULEZ, which at the moment is scheduled to be coming into being in September 2020. Now you are talking about bringing it forward. Can you tell us by when you think that will be achieved?