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  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM: I am pleased to hear, Mr Mayor, that tackling knife crime is a priority for you and is one of the greatest policing challenges we face in the capital, and it has been referenced at the weekend, a 16-year-old boy stabbed to death in Notting Hill, the fourth teenager to have been killed on our streets this year. It is clear we need to start investing in prevention in order to help reduce knife crime on the streets. Something in the campaign you talked about is a six-point plan to tackle knife crime, but this morning...
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Unmesh Desai
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Unmesh Desai AM: Commissioner, as the Mayor has just said a few minutes ago, there is a huge amount of uncertainty hanging there right now. We all have to accept the results of the referendum. Let me ask you specifically how the referendum affects the MPS in two or three areas. Firstly, your partnership working with other local police forces: what is your initial assessment of impact that the referendum result will have on that partnership working?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Andrew Dismore
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Andrew Dismore AM: Thank you, Chair. Could I wish the Mayor Eid Mubarak to start off. Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London): Thank you very much. It’s great to spend Eid with you guys, rather than my family. Andrew Dismore AM: I will take your advice on that. Could I ask you, this is to the Mayor, the Commissioner is report in The Guardian today as having written that between 24 June and 2 July 2016 there were 599 reports of race hate crimes since the EU referendum. Normally on any given day there are between 25 and 50 such incidents...
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Onkar Sahota
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Dr Onkar Sahota AM: My question is to the Commissioner. This is about the blue light collaboration. The Police and Crime Bill published on 10 February 2016 when enacted will place duty on police, fire and rescue and ambulance services to collaborate. Do you think that the new duty to collaborate, in the words of Dave Brown QFSM, the Chief Operations Officer for the London Fire Brigade, moves there from collaborated through goodwill to collaboration through being embedded in policy and governance? Do you agree this a more formal relationship now? First of all, can you comment on that?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Fiona Twycross
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Fiona Twycross AM: Thank you, Chair. Mr Mayor, as you will be aware the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy is due to be reviewed next year, and I wondered if you could comment on what your focus will be when looking a priorities for a new strategy?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Leonie Cooper AM: Thank you, Madam Chair. Eid Mubarak to yourself and Saadiya [Khan], Mr Mayor, and very nice to see the Commissioner with us as well this morning. I just wanted to come back to the issue of neighbourhood policing, which has been touched on both Mr Mayor, and also your introductory remarks and also has come up a few times as well around the room. I did not quite recognise what Assembly Member O’Connell was talking about. It might be because we now represent, on our side, the majority of the geographical constituencies in London, but I know...
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Keith Prince
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Keith Prince AM: Thank you, Madam Chairman. I want to talk about special constables, but can I just, first of all, Mr Mayor, welcome your comments on the Rape Crisis centre. As you know, Redbridge is one of the Rape Crisis centres - or is the Rape Crisis centre - for East London. Can I just ask you to clarify, did you say that you are giving a clear commitment to continue the funding of the Rape Crisis centres?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Lord Bailey of Paddington
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Shaun Bailey AM: Morning, Mayor, morning, Sir Bernard. I just wanted to quickly have a little talk about the night Tube. I, like most Londoners, am really looking to the notion of getting on the Tube at night; well done for that. A number of Londoners are slightly worried about the potential increase for anti-social behaviour and crime around particular stations. I know that 12 stations in particular have been highlighted by the British Transport Police (BTP). I just wonder - I address these comments to the Mayor - what can be done to track any change in behaviour around...
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Gareth Bacon MP
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Gareth Bacon AM: Thank you, Madam Chairman. I have questions to the Commissioner initially. The subject of the water cannon has aroused huge amounts of excited comment in the last couple of years; I know you are very familiar with that. I do not have particular feelings one way or the other, but I am interested in how decisions are made. Is it true, Commissioner, that it was the MPS that made the case for a water cannon to be purchased for London and the previous Mayor acceded to that request?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Joanne McCartney AM: Yes, thank you, Mr Mayor. Perhaps I could just start by saying that this body actually did look at the issue of water cannon and on a cross-party basis we urged the previous Mayor not to go ahead. That was after we had taken three lengthy examination sessions and looked at the evidence, so I am very pleased that that was part of your manifesto.