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  • Mayor's Draft Waste Strategy (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    I wonder if you could tell us how you're proposing to ensure that the boroughs, when they collect recyclable materials, actually have a market for them and they're not left with a large surplus which they have to dispose of themselves?
  • Mayor's Draft Waste Strategy (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    Except there's nothing more disillusioning for the residents of London who assiduously separate recyclable materials then to discover that those materials are in effect going straight to landfill. For example in the London Borough of Sutton, which turns out in fact to be the pariah of recycling authorities rather than allegedly the angel of recycling authorities, glass which is collected in the London Borough of Sutton goes directly to landfill. It does not pass go and it most definitely doesn't collect £200, and this in the London Borough of Sutton and I suspect over the whole of London is creating...
  • Mayor's Draft Waste Strategy (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    What about the general point that I've just made to you about those residents who are very keen to collect recyclable materials, but if they discover that these recyclable materials are not actually being recycled at all how would you suggest that borough councils explain that to their residents?
  • Mayor's Draft Waste Strategy (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    So are you suggesting that if there is to be no market for recyclable goods because of perhaps a glut or something, then boroughs should in fact say to their residents, 'Well it's an enormously costly exercise to sort and collect and so on. Just tip it in the ordinary refuse as you would have done before the days of recycling.'
  • Effective Working Partnerships (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    John, in the waste strategy there is the specific proposal to establish a capital standard initiative to promote basically the very laudable aim of raising the standards of our street environment. How are things proceeding on that? We were supposed to have a high-profile initiative launched before the end of 2001. When will we actually see something?
  • Effective Working Partnerships (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    So we've got a launch date in January have we?
  • Effective Working Partnerships (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 14 November 2001
    You've referred to the problems with this initiative. Without talking your way through the entire history again, John, which I'm sure you don't want to go through, can you say what you would have done differently if you were doing this again? And exactly how is it that an initiative that was supposed to be launched about now has only just been agreed by the ALG? What went wrong and what would you have done differently?
  • LDA Board Meetings

    • Reference: 2001/0216-1
    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 10 October 2001
    The public sessions of the LDA board concentrate mainly upon incidental discussions about strategies of the LDA and other GLA family members. With the LDA responsible for spending over a quarter of a billion pounds of public money why is it that the Board meets mainly in private? What do you have to hide? .
  • Developing Skills in London

    • Reference: 2001/0205-1
    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 10 October 2001
    What is the LDA's role in developing skills in London? How are you working with other agencies to deliver your skills goals? .
  • South London's Economy

    • Reference: 2001/0223-1
    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 10 October 2001
    What action is being undertaken to boost South London's drifting economy? .