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  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Leonie Cooper AM: I would like Mr Mayor to answer my question. Good morning. I wanted to ask you about the pledge to use TfL land for housing and I wondered if you could tell us a bit more about what sites you are planning to fast-track for housing.
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Len Duvall AM: Mr Mayor, in the past you have said that you would wish to see the increase in the proportion of TfL’s budget spent on cycling. Your predecessor planned to spend about 1.44% in this budget year. The Assembly has done a scrutiny report that said, really, it should be up to 2% to bring us in line with other pro-cycling cities. What do you think? What do you hope to devote to cycling by the end of your first term?
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Tony Devenish AM: Good morning, Mr Brown. My question is for you, sir. I am delighted that you think you can juggle so many balls in terms of the efficiency savings, in terms of the operational requirements of the network and in terms of extracting - as particularly my question is to do with - the land value in your brownfield estate. You may be interested to hear that yesterday Deputy Mayor Murray [James Murray, Deputy Mayor for Housing] sat in this very room and he talked about lower land values to achieve the 50% affordable target that the Mayor...
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Gareth Bacon MP
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Gareth Bacon AM: Mr Brown, we all know about the big revenue cuts that have been made to TfL’s budget by the Government and that the commercial income work that is being done by Graeme Craig and his team is absolutely crucial to TfL’s future. I think we are all agreed on that. I personally am one of the big cheerleaders for what he is doing. The business plan states that there is going to be £3.4 billion of commercial income generated over the lifetime of the business plan. When that assumption was made, the 50% affordable housing target and...
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): My starting question is to the Mayor. Mr Mayor, in your manifesto you said you want “a more ambitious approach to step-free access on London Underground and TfL-run stations”. We heard this morning that we have a new Commissioner and you clearly are the newly elected Mayor of London. I want to hear, really, how you are going to bring about this new change to this enduring call from Assembly Members and users of London Underground stations for step-free access?
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: Unmesh Desai
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Unmesh Desai AM: Mr Mayor, in March 2016 the British Transport Police (BTP) proposed axing its specialist sex crimes unit. Following concerns expressed by you and by others, the proposals have temporarily been halted. In fact, you were very robust in expressing your concerns. I believe that on 2 April 2016 in a speech at Brixton Town Hall you said and I quote: “I was appalled about the recent decision by the BTP to scrap the sexual violence unit. As Mayor, I will take these problems seriously.” The BTP is now undergoing a review of its services and you are...
  • TfL - past and future (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Andrew Dismore
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Andrew Dismore AM: Thank you, Chairman. My question is to the Mayor. I wanted to ask you about High Speed 2 (HS2), Mr Mayor. Firstly, could I commend to you - and, indeed, everybody else - the article by Simon Jenkins in yesterday’s The Guardian that sets out the sorry history of the HS2 scheme? I believe you recently met HS2 Chairman Sir David Higgins. You previously said you would ensure the company “does the right thing by Camden”, presumably including your proposal that the line terminates initially at Old Oak Common. What was Mr Higgins’ response?
  • Mayor's Transport Manifesto (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Nicky Gavron
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Nicky Gavron AM: Good morning, Mr Mayor. Good morning, Commissioner Brown. I wanted to ask a couple of questions following on from the question about your manifesto commitments on London’s air quality. The first is that you have talked, both of you, about bringing forward the ULEZ, which at the moment is scheduled to be coming into being in September 2020. Now you are talking about bringing it forward. Can you tell us by when you think that will be achieved?
  • Mayor's Transport Manifesto (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Lord Bailey of Paddington
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Shaun Bailey AM: Good morning, Mr Brown. The new Mayor has promised to abandon - and I quote - “Boris Johnson’s policy of refusing to talk to TfL transport workers and union representatives”. Why, in your opinion, did both Boris Johnson MP and Ken Livingstone [former Mayor of London] not speak to these unions? Do you feel that the Mayor interfering - I use the word “interfering” but you might feel differently - and taking on the negotiations might undermine the brilliant work done by TfL’s own negotiations team?
  • Mayor's Transport Manifesto (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Andrew Boff
    • Meeting date: 08 June 2016
    Andrew Boff AM: Mr Brown, Hackney Wick Station will be closed on match days at the Olympic Stadium. Could you tell me what local consultation took place when reaching that decision and how West Ham will be compensating the local businesses that will inevitably suffer as a result of this closure?