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  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    John Biggs AM: Unfortunately, most of my time has been taken by a Member making unscripted interventions, because we did plan our time for today. I will try to be very brief. I have two areas. One is about what we call ‘cliff edges’ and it relates to the experience of the LLDC, where the purpose of the Olympics and its legacy is to benefit a far wider area. In answer to Stephen Knight [AM] who said that MDC money can be spent outside this area providing it meets its object, of course that begs the question of what the...
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Gareth Bacon MP
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Gareth Bacon AM: Just a quick word on representation. A number of Members have picked up the issue of transparency and representation on the board. You have made the, not unreasonable, point that it is a management board, not a local authority committee. Each borough will have one elected member, according to the Mayor’s consultation document. Could you reassure the Assembly that the boroughs concerned - although the Mayor will appoint them officially - will be free to nominate whoever they choose?
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Jenny Jones AM: I have not been convinced by these arguments about keeping Wormwood Scrubs open space inside the MDC. The council that currently has it in their borough is against it. The Friends of the Open Space are against it. It looks like a mayoral land grab. It does not look like a coherent plan. Sir Edward Lister (Mayor's Chief of Staff): If I may, it is a coherent plan, but they do not agree with it. Jenny Jones AM: Do you not think you should be interested in localism: that decisions for local people for local land should...
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area

    • Reference: 2014/5937
    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Roger Evans AM (Chairman): Thank you. Now, the way we are going to do this, rather than tabling a lot of questions, we have just one question tabled in my name, and then we will take supplementaries from the rest of the Groups. The question that I have tabled is suitably wide to allow the debate to range across really the whole gamut of issues. The question that I am putting is: could you set out the likely benefits for London and the possible risks of the proposed MDC for Old Oak and Park Royal? Now, I accept you may...
  • Proposal to Designate a Mayoral Development Area (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Andrew Boff
    • Meeting date: 17 December 2014
    Andrew Boff AM: Sir Edward, survey after survey shows that most of Londoners would prefer to live in street-level homes rather than high-rise developments. With the 350,000 children being brought up in overcrowded conditions it is clear that one of the aims for any MDC should be to alleviate some of those problems and provide more family homes. Can you confirm that the objectives of the proposed MDC will have a commitment to building street-level family homes?
  • Violent Crime in London (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Andrew Boff
    • Meeting date: 09 December 2014
    Thank you, Mr Mayor. I mean you will forgive us for concentrating on this particular area because our job as Assembly Members is to see where it is going wrong, not where it is often going right. While the decline in overall reported crime is welcome, it is disturbing that we have these particular categories increasing. I wondered if you would be supportive of the recommendations in a report published by the Greater London Authority (GLA) Conservatives in June called On the Wagon , whereby we wanted to see a doubling of the penalty notice for drunk and disorderly behaviour...
  • Violent Crime in London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 09 December 2014
    A couple of very specific questions here around violent crime in London. Recorded knife crime with injury offences has gone up 51% in the last six months. We have had some terrible recent incidents across London. Given the success of the London-wide firearms amnesty last month, and this current hike in knife offences, would you consider launching a similar amnesty for knives in London?
  • Violent Crime in London (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Victoria Borwick
    • Meeting date: 09 December 2014
    Just taking us back briefly, if I may, to the pressures on the LAS at this time of the year, and obviously the point that was made earlier about drinking and excessive street drinking at this time of the year. In the past I have been fortunate enough to go out with your teams and see the valuable work they did and last week I was out representing the Mayor with the ambulance teams, and again the vast majority of people who had drunk themselves and had been abandoned by their friends and then ended up putting pressure on our...
  • Violent Crime in London (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 09 December 2014
    I want to come back to the issue of the rate of violent crime and I heard and I have asked questions of the Mayor, I think the last three Mayor’s questions, about what is driving this increase. I would just like to comment on something Andrew Boff [AM] said about domestic violence, undoubtedly part of that is the increase in recorded domestic violence, however I am hearing from my boroughs it is about an increase in reporting, however also about an increase. Boris Johnson (Mayor of London): About actual domestic violence, yes. Joanne McCartney AM: Therefore I was wondering...
  • Undercover Police Still Employed by the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 09 December 2014
    I want you to fast forward, OK, because Theresa May [MP, Home Secretary] has promised an inquiry, a judge-led inquiry, into undercover police officers, and supposing it happens in two, three, four years’ time, and you are called as ex-Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for London to give evidence, are you going to be able to give the evidence that they want to hear? For example, will you be able to tell them how many of the four officers that were looked at by the Herne Inquiry [Operation Herne – MPS internal review into use of undercover policing by the...