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  • Subject: 3rd Runway Mitigation

    • Reference: 2015/2492
    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2015
    Your report calls for a 3rd runway at Heathrow to be mitigated by a number of measures including the banning of night flights. Can you confirm that, if those mitigating factors were not introduced then you would no longer support a 3rd runway?
  • Planning for Britain’s future aviation needs

    • Reference: 2014/2281
    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 18 June 2014
    Do you accept that a key part of planning for Britain’s future aviation needs is ensuring that the hub airport has space to expand further?
  • Independent Aviation Noise Authority (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 18 June 2014
    Richard Tracey AM: Can I question you a bit further on Heathrow? I do not know where you live, Sir Howard. I live in Wandsworth and a lot of my residents, of course, suffer from these early-morning flights you have been talking about. Indeed, Mr Graham was at the meeting a while ago and heard that people from Lambeth were complaining in exactly the same way as we are in Wandsworth. Do I take it that you accept that the current levels of noise, particularly early-morning noise, going into Heathrow are unacceptable for the millions of people who live underneath...
  • Independent Aviation Noise Authority (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 18 June 2014
    Tony Arbour AM: Arising from the last point that Mr Tracey raised, you told us that on the basis of what you already knew it is likely to be true that a third runway is going to generate less noise than two runways. I may say that my constituents in Hounslow and Richmond have frequently heard assertions saying, “More means less”, which has not proved to be so. I wonder if you can tell us on what you base your certainty that there will be a smaller noise footprint from a third runway than there is from the existing two...
  • Planning for Britain’s future aviation needs (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 18 June 2014
    Tony Arbour AM: The everyday aggravation which is caused by Heathrow to local residents is not just noise and what has been indicated is the considerable amount of traffic which causes congestion to local centres. Any expansion of Heathrow of necessity means there will be an increase in that traffic. You just made a reference to the congestion zone. My understanding of the congestion zone proposal by Heathrow is predicated on there being a fourth runway in addition to the one which is being proposed. Roger Evans AM (Chairman): That is the first question. Tony Arbour AM: I did mention...
  • Safer Transport Initiatives (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 03 December 2008
    Richard Tracey (AM): Can I say that the indications to me from my constituents is that they are absolutely overjoyed by the Safer Transport Teams and the effectiveness that they are having, and well done to the Metropolitan Police Service for providing them. My question is, to what extent are the Safer Transport Teams able to work very closely with the British Transport Police and also to respond to the live CCTV (closed-circuit television) coverage of some of the buses, particularly? The other thing is can you explain to me how many of the teams are equipped with the small...
  • Oral Update (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 03 December 2008
    This is a question for the Acting Commissioner. Acting Commissioner, various of my constituents have reminded me that one of the platforms on which we were elected to the Assembly in May was common sense policing in London. Can I put it to you, would you consider the definition of 'common sense policing' to include the infringement of deeply entrenched centuries old constitutional privileges of a Member of the House of Commons?
  • Oral Update (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 03 December 2008
    This is a question for the Chairman of the Police Authority. Do you not think that in the Green matter the Commissioner was between a rock and a hard place? Whatever he did was going to be seen to be wrong. By acting in the way he did he has been seen as the tool of the Government. Had he not acted in that way he would have been seen to be protecting a Conservative Member of Parliament. In the light of that, do you not think now will be an appropriate time for the Metropolitan Police Authority to press...