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  • The Impact of Money Laundering on Housing in London

    • Reference: 2015/2753
    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 16 September 2015
    Further to my question MQ 2015/0980, are you still in denial regarding the impact of money laundering on housing in London?
  • Counter-Terrorism (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 17 September 2014
    Mr Mayor, can I raise the issue of sectarian tensions in London from the Middle East conflicts between Sunni and Shia? I welcome the comments you made to Andrew Boff AM that you do not want to see international disputes come to the streets of London. In the past 15 months I have seen a number of incidents which concern me. The first was raised by Lebanese businesses on the Edgware Road about Anjem Choudary’s [cleric] mob inciting clearly religious hatred aimed at Shias. It was dealt with as a public order offence but an opportunity was missed to deal...
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company

    • Reference: 2011/0075-1
    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    Dee Doocey (Chair): Can I formally welcome Baroness Ford and Andrew Altman to the meeting. Baroness Ford is the Chair of the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) and Andrew Altman is the Chief Executive. Thank you very much for coming. If I could explain how the session is going to work; I understand that Margaret and Andrew are going to give a five minute opening statement. I will then ask a Member from each Group to put a question in the following order: the Labour Group, followed by the Liberal Democrat Group, followed by the Conservative Group, followed by the...
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    Thank you, Chair. I have got a number of questions. Firstly, to go back to what John was talking about, on the people legacy. The Olympic Park set itself benchmarks, as you know, Margaret. I know that you have been aware of the programmes it implemented. The sadness is that those teams may now well disperse. I welcome what you are doing with schools. Would you agree with me that you need also to work with local colleges, in the way that the ODA did, and what you need to do is, in a sense, take the baton and do...
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    Can I touch on the sustainability assurance aspects. The Commission for a Sustainable 2012 does not just do the construction and the staging of the Games, it includes legacy, albeit that process is going to come to an end in about 2013. The first question, for the record, is do you welcome that scrutiny and will you cooperate fully with the Commission for a Sustainable 2012 for the legacy aspects?
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    I wanted to look at the housing side of what you are doing and dig into the finances behind that will underpin the proportions between social affordable, owner occupied and, indeed, private rented possibly. When you were here last time we talked a lot about the remediation and the 60 centimetres and the impact of switching to the housing that you gave us the pictures for where there is a garden at the back. Can you update us on your financial modelling about the additional costs that are associated with remediation for family sized housing and how that impacts the...
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    Can I come to the sports legacy which has been touched on briefly by Gareth on the public subsidies. I am concerned that we do not have the Wimbledon effect which is we only play tennis for a few weeks after the Games and that is it. The role you play in that: firstly, what are you doing to help the Mayor achieve his 90% community use target for the Olympic Park in legacy?
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Nicky Gavron
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    I have very little time so I am going to ask for a very brief answer. How many of the social rented homes - or homes originally planned to be social rented - available between 2012 and 2016 do you think the new affordable rent model will apply to?
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    ): Thank you, Chair. Jennette Arnold AM and I are the two Constituency Members for the area that you are operating in. I am a bit worried by my question because it covers an area which you have not said anything about. Jennette and I represent the people of that area. You have done a lot of good work on physical infrastructure, stadiums, facilities and park planning but you have said nothing about the communities and how what you are doing is there to address the needs and the potential economic prosperity of those communities. Can you tell us what...
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    We have heard a lot about employment opportunities for local people. Will you be building any requirement into any of the contracts such as the construction ones to specifically employ and train local people - a bit like Crossrail has been able to do?