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  • Borough Command Units (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    Obviously you have quite a bit of flexible working between boroughs and within your own service. Are you looking at more flexible working with shared services involving the other emergency services?
  • Borough Command Units (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    I just want to be absolutely clear on this, because you are saying there are a range of options, but the Metropolitan Police Service has a model, one Metropolitan Police Service model that has been approved by the MPS management board, which you have been consulting on, and in that model, the model has a basis of sharing chief superintendents across a number of boroughs. That is part of this model that you have consulted on, so it is one model that you are consulting on, not a range of options, is that right?
  • EDL March (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    I will happily join Jennette on Saturday as well. Can I firstly welcome the MPS' support of the ban promoted by Waltham Forest, though it is very late in the day. Is the real issue here not essentially that the MPS still does not think the EDL is part of the far right? We had Sir Paul Stephenson in September 2009, the then-Police Commissioner, suggesting to the MPA that the EDL is not viewed as an extreme right-wing group in the accepted sense?
  • Undercover Officers (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    Very quickly, on the compensation issue of any compensation paid, look, you are making massive cuts to our services here in London. I hope that you are going to recover any monies that have to be paid, if they are paid eventually, from the owner of this or from the Association of Chief Police Officers Terrorism and Allied Matters (ACPO TAM) who were meant to be supervising these officers. I do not think the MPS should be paying for that and I hope it is not going to be further cuts. We need to follow that and MOPAC needs to...
  • Peel Centre

    • Reference: 2012/0047-2
    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    I just want to pick up that with the big redevelopment of your training facilities up at Hendon, I was just wondering, there are huge challenges there I think over the next three years. You are going to have to take staff and trainees off that site while it is rebuilt. A very brief update - you might want to send more details in writing - on progress so far. For the Deputy Mayor, do you think you have the relevant staff within your Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime to manage a project on this scale? I am wondering...
  • Front Counters (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    This is another of those cases I am afraid where there has been leakage in some parts of town and there are protests already springing up around various sites and people are hearing different things. Obviously, we appreciate you have a difficult job to do. I had one case at Wanstead where the police station was actually closed ten years ago and opened again because it was found to be necessary. I guess my question to you is how will you make sure in this strategy that you do not find yourself in a situation again where something is closed...
  • Front Counters (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Is one of the problems that you face the quickness and the speed of some decisions? I understand some of the options being discussed now were options that were discussed and, in my understanding, were put out for disposal, Woolwich Police Station, Thamesmead, on the basis that a new patrol base was found. It was on a proviso that counter services could be found in other locations. That was back in 2005 that decision, 2006. It was then stopped when Boris Johnson took over the Mayoralty because it was obviously in the list of others around that. Do you not...
  • Deaths in Custody (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Yes, Chair, thank you for that. I just wanted to clarify, and it is the point that Jenny has made. To so many people, when we talk about deaths in police custody, we include deaths associated with police contact. The public does not get into the sophistication of whether somebody died in the cell, it is if the police are there and they have arrested somebody or they have something to do with it and a death occurs, then that really is what is so alarming to us generally, to us all. If I could go specifically to members of...
  • Deaths in Custody (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Thank you. I want to go back a couple of steps to the use of digital technology and video. There have been trials of body-worn cameras, which - on the figures I have had shared with me - indicate that they have reduced the amount of administrative time that those officers subsequently have had to get involved in, they reduce the number of complaints. What I would ask is what plans do you have in place to learn lessons from those trials and roll out body-worn cameras as widely as possible right across basically frontline policing? Stephen, I think.
  • Deaths in Custody (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Jenny Jones (Deputy Chair): Thank you. Mr Mackey, how many vans are there that you are going to -- Craig Mackey (Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police): Right across the Metropolitan Police Service? I do not have the exact figure. Jenny Jones (Deputy Chair): I am just wondering, roughly.