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Serious failures in enforcement of Congestion Charge (Supplementary) [2]

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Meeting: Plenary on 06 April 2005
Session name: Plenary on 06/04/2005 between 10:00 and 13:00
Question by: Lynne Featherstone
Organisation: Liberal Democrats
Asked of: Bob Kiley - Transport Commissioner


Serious failures in enforcement of Congestion Charge (Supplementary) [2]

I just want to support Elizabeth (Howlett) because I had not realised there were other cases of bailiffs arriving. I have just written to TfL about several where no previous notice has been received. TfL writes to these people and says that penalty notices, etc., were issued, but they were not. You have to take this really seriously because some people are not able to go to court; they are vulnerable and scared and may not have the money. This is terrifying people. They are individual cases, not hundreds of them, but I do want your double assurance that you will take this really seriously.

Supplementary to: /questions/2005/0115-1


Date: Tuesday 5 April 2005

I would be the last one to say that there have not been problems with the contractor, especially in the customer-facing activities. In the immediate aftermath two years ago of the central zone going live, so to speak, there were severe problems in the way penalty notices were being handled - sent to the wrong addresses, misunderstandings over the telephone. I think we have come a long way from then. It is not perfect. I visited Coventry just two weeks ago where the call-centre is. We now have 30 of our own people there supervising that whole operation. It is a lot better now than it was then, but it still has quite a way to go.

As far as individual cases are concerned, you are quite right. No individual should be left out in the cold that has a legitimate complaint. The system is designed to ensure that people do have a fair chance to do it.