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Olympic Legacy (Supplementary) [4]

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Meeting: Plenary on 08 September 2005
Session name: Plenary on 08/09/2005 between 10:00 and 13:00
Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
Organisation: Labour Group
Asked of: Ken Livingstone


Olympic Legacy (Supplementary) [4]

Thank you for that answer, Mayor, but I have three areas on which I would just like to pin you down. Can I just start with cultural education. I welcome that announcement that you have just made about the commitment following the Games for the maintenance of the Park, because it seems to me that we can judge whether an Olympics was successful in two ways: the gold medals and all their absolute wonder of the sport, and also we judge when we look back at where the Olympic Games were held, and what it is like there following the Olympic Games.

Therefore, it seems to me that announcement about the continuing commitment is to be welcomed. If we look, though, at cultural education ' and of course, I welcome the ideas that are out there in terms of the journey, of the friendship, the festival of youth culture, and so on - nevertheless, who will have responsibility for ensuring that there is a wider cultural legacy for arts that lives beyond the closing ceremony in the same way that you have just guaranteed a legacy and maintenance for the legacy for sport? What guarantee is there for arts after the closing ceremony?

Supplementary to: /questions/2005/0363-1


Date: Wednesday 7 September 2005

Well, (Lord) Seb Coe (Chairman, London 2012) ' who sends his apologies; he cannot be here today, because he is out of the country ' is currently chairing the LOCOG, and I hope will continue to chair it right up to 2012. I have already discussed the importance of building up a huge cultural programme. They recognise the value of what we have created here at the GLA in terms of our stakeholder engagement in our cultural programme. We want to have these working together, not in competition, so we get dramatic added value from that.

Beyond the Games, we want ' having heightened our cultural and artistic profile ' to maintain it. Now, at the moment, as you know, the Government on Monday announced it is reviewing the powers of the Mayor and the Assembly. One of the areas they are looking at is whether or not we should have a role in terms of arts funding and so on. I shall be pushing very hard to say we should. That would be the best way of securing the legacy, that after the Games are over, it is the GLA, through its various entities, that continues that role of maintaining the heightened cultural and artistic activity we will have achieved on the back of the Games.

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