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GLAOC Workforce Report Letter

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Publication type: General

Publication date:

The GLA Oversight Committee has written Mary Harpley, Chief Officer of the Greater London Authority (GLA) with recommendations on the GLA Workforce Report.

This follows the Committee's meeting on the GLA Workforce Report and the actions the GLA is taking in response to the findings from The Equal Group Independent Review into the experiences of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority staff.

Recommendations include:

  1. The GLA should share evidence that the workforce report data issues caused by the HR shared service transition have been resolved, and confirm whether lessons learned have been captured and appropriate remedial action is being taken.
  2. The GLA should share its scenario plans for future staffing levels and a plan of accommodating additional staff in the next five years with the Committee.
  3. The GLA should conduct additional work to examine the underlying issues causing staff to leave for workplace reasons. The GLA should also reform its exit interview questions to better identify the trigger for leaving the organisation and take steps to ensure staff complete an exit interview.
  4. The GLA should develop and agree a shared workplace adjustment standard for the GLA Group to ensure the GLA’s workplace adjustment passport is transferrable within the Group. In parallel, the GLA should develop and share guidance for managers using the passport. Once this has been completed, the GLA should explore ways of agreeing a standard across the wider public sector.
  5. The GLA should share its policy and accompanying guidance on diverse recruitment panels with the Committee. In parallel, the GLA should explain how it is ensuring members of staff are not overburdened with sitting on an excessive number of panels due to this policy.
  6. The GLA should start monitoring the representation of its recruitment panels with regard to the seven other protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010.
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GLAOC - Workforce Report Letter