Leonie Cooper
Key information
Start date for this term:
Salary: £64,331
Constituency: Merton and Wandsworth
Political group: Labour Group
Leonie Cooper AM was elected to the London Assembly in May 2016 and has been Labour’s lead on Environment and Energy since then. She is also the Deputy Leader of the Labour Group.
Leonie has successfully campaigned on reducing single-use plastic bottle waste in London, leading to the Mayor’s programme of water fountains and work with Refill London.
She has also helped tackle Londoners’ fuel poverty. Her campaigning led to the first ever Mayoral Fuel Poverty Strategy.
She produced her own report on biodiversity in housing developments which led to the London Plan including Biodiversity Net Gain as a Planning Principle 3 years before it was introduced nationally. Her report also led to the inclusion of the Urban Greening Factor in the London Plan.
Leonie has led a number of campaigns, including holding Thames Water to account for poor performance, campaigning for clean air in our city and arguing for a windfall tax on oil and gas companies to support Londoners with energy bills.
Responsibilities for 2024-25
Deputy Chair of the Environment Committee
Member of the Fire Committee
Member of the GLA Oversight Committee
Member of the Housing Committee
Latest press release
Leonie Cooper AM welcomes the Mayor’s Budget that supports every Londoner