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Commenting on a planning application

City Hall

Understanding the Mayoral planning application process

The Mayor only sees planning applications that are of ‘potential strategic importance (PSI) to London. These are commonly known as ‘referred’ applications.

To find out more about what makes an application referable to the Mayor, click on the button below:

Finding a planning application

All applications that have been referred to the Mayor, are available on our PlanApps system.

Planapps allows you to both view historic cases referred to the Mayor as well as comment on current cases.

Should I only make a comment to the Mayor if the application is referable?

It depends on what stage the application is at. For most of the applications that the Mayor reviews, the Local Council, known as the Local Planning Authority, will be deciding on the application.

It’s important that you write to the Local Council in these instances. You are of course also welcome to make comment to the Mayor if the application is referable.

The below table outlines who is the Local Planning Authority for each application stage.

Application stage

Local Planning Authority

Stage 1

Local Council

Stage 2

Local Council

Stage 3

Mayor of London

No Strategic Issues

Local Council

Stopping Up Order

Mayor of London

Will my comment be made public by The Mayor?

Your comment will only be made public for applications where the Mayor has directed that he will become the Local Planning Authority (also known as Stage 3 applications).

Application stage

Will comment be made public

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


No Strategic Issues


Stopping Up Order


*The Local Planning Authority may have their own policies and processes around publishing comments.

Comments made may enter the public domain as a result of a FoI or Environmental information request, or any other legal requirement.

Commenting on a Stage 1 or Stage 2 application

When you have commented on a Stage 1 or Stage 2 application, you will receive an acknowledgement email confirming your comment has been registered.

The comment will then be registered to the relevant planning application. The case officer for that case will then review the comment, assessing the material planning considerations that have been raised.

The case officer will include a summary of all comments made in the Stage 2 report. This will allow the Mayor or decision-maker to assess the comments made.

Commenting on a Stage 3 application

When you have commented on a Stage 1 or Stage 2 application, you will receive an acknowledgement email confirming your comment has been registered.

Your comment on a Stage 3 application will be published on PlanApps. You should not include any information that is sensitive within your comment that you do not wish to be published.

The comment will then be registered to the relevant planning application. The case officer for that case will then review the comment, assessing the material planning considerations that have been raised.

The case officer will include a summary of all comments made in the Stage 3 report. This will allow the Mayor or decision-maker to assess the comments made.

Asking for your comment to be unpublished

If you have made a comment on a Stage 3 application, and want your comment removed, you can do so by emailing [email protected]. You should confirm your name, email address and whether you would like your comment to be disregarded entirely or just unpublished.

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