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How has this guidance been prepared?

This guidance has been prepared by the Greater London Authority (GLA) with input and advice from industry professionals and other stakeholders, including those on the Mayor’s Academic Forum. This comprises representatives of London’s universities, student housing providers and their advisors, the NUS, and London’s local planning authorities. Public engagement on the guidance was carried out between October 2023 and January 2024. Details of the consultation can be found on our engagement portal.

A consultation summary report summarises feedback received, and how this informed the final guidance.

An Equality impact assessment has been prepared for the guidance building on the consultation draft version here.

The LPG may be periodically reviewed and updated to align with changes in building regulations and government guidance.

In adopting this LPG, the former practice note on Wheelchair Accessible Student Accommodation has been withdrawn as it is superseded, so it no longer has any status.

In addition, a new process and criteria for applying to become an approved proxy for nominations purposes (as referenced in paragraph 3.2.6 of the LPG) has been agreed as set out in this document.

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