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Chair of the Transport Committee on new powers for TfL compliance

Private Hire License Stamp
Created on
17 May 2018

In response to the Mayor’s announcement of new powers for Transport for London’s Taxi and Private Hire Compliance Officers, Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM, Chair of the London Assembly Transport Committee, said:

“We’re glad to see this is finally happening. It has been a long time coming.

The London Assembly ‘Future Proof’ report in 2014 called for Transport for London (TfL) compliance officers to have stronger powers, including the ability to charge higher fines for touting and vehicle seizure powers.

“There has also been confusion about the respective powers of the Met police and TfL compliance officers to tackle touting, so this will help to clarify the issue.

However, more needs to be done. Further measures are needed to protect London’s passengers, including making it easier for them to identify whether a minicab is licensed.

For this reason, the Transport Committee will begin another investigation into the Taxi and Private Hire industry later in the year.”

Notes to editors

  1. Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM, Chair of the Transport Committee, is available for interview – see contact details below.
  2. London Assembly Transport Committee.
  3. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.


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