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Superloop 2

Key information

Date: Thursday 05th September 2024

Time: 10:00am

Motion detail

Bassam Mahfouz AM moved, and Elly Baker AM seconded the following motion:

The Assembly notes the successful launch of Superloop bus service, a network of 10 express bus routes which improve connections and journey times between key outer London town centres and transport hubs.

Since launching on 15 July 2023, the Superloop has added six million kilometres to London’s bus network.

One year on from the launch of the first Superloop in June 2023, ridership on Superloop routes has increased by nine per cent more than the network average.

The Assembly welcomes the Mayor’s pledge to launch a second Superloop network which will allow even more Londoners to access better bus connections across outer-London.

The Assembly calls on the Mayor to work with the Assembly on route proposals for the Superloop 2 to ensure the maximum number of Londoners can benefit from expanded bus services.

This Assembly specifically calls on the Mayor to prioritise communities which are currently under-served by public transport in determining the routes for Superloop 2. These might include north of Waltham Forest, Havering and the more rural parts of Bromley.”

Following debate and upon being put to the vote, the motion was agreed unanimously.

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