The Mayor's budget for 2023-24
The Mayor’s final draft budget was approved without amendment by the London Assembly on 23 February 2023.
The budget set the Mayor's 2023-24 portion of the council tax (the precept) for a Band D property in the 32 London boroughs as £434.14 – a 9.7 per cent increase compared to 2022-23.
The precept in the City of London - which has its own police force - was set at £142.01. The Mayor's final council tax precept was approved in Mayoral Decision 3095.
Download the Mayor’s final consolidated budget for 2023-24.
Appendix A: Climate budget measures
The Mayor's capital spending plan for 2023-24
The Mayor published his capital spending plan for the GLA Group on 24 February 2023.
The Mayor's capital spending plan was approved in Mayoral Decision 3096.
Mayor's capital spending plan for 2023-24.
Final draft consolidated budget
The Mayor's final draft consolidated budget for 2023-24 was published on Wednesday 15 February 2023.
It was considered by the London Assembly at its Mayor's Question Time meeting on Thursday 23 February 2023.
Draft consolidated budget
The Mayor's draft consolidated budget for 2023-24 was published on Wednesday 18 January 2023.
It was considered by the London Assembly at its plenary meeting on Thursday 26 January 2023.
Consultation budget and draft capital spending plan for 2023-24 (December 2022)
The Mayor's 2023-24 budget and draft capital spending plan was published for consultation on Friday 16 December 2022. This consultation closed on Friday 13 January 2023.
Download The Mayor's consultation budget 2023-24 (PDF)
Appendix J: Climate budget measures (PDF)
Londoners were invited to have their say on this year’s spending plans on City Hall’s online community Talk London, between 16 December 2022 and 13 January 2023.
You can also view the Mayor's consultation page.
Budget guidance for 2023-24
Each year the Mayor publishes a Budget guidance document to aid the GLA and the GLA Group in preparing their budgets for the next financial year.
The Mayor, Sadiq Khan, published his budget guidance for 2023-24 on 29 July 2022.
Download the Mayor's budget guidance 2023-24.