Healthy places

What is it about your neighbourhood that is good or bad for your health and well-being?

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What is it about your neighbourhood that is good or bad for your health and well-being, or the health and well-being of people you know?

What do you think makes a healthy community? What facilities do you like to see near where you live?

The discussion ran from 22 August 2017 - 01 December 2017


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Comments (37)

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We have lots of lovely parks - fantastic for families, physical activities (sports, playgrounds), wildlife, absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. Win:win all around. In the last 2 years of so I have noticed that many of our parks are...

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We have lots of lovely parks - fantastic for families, physical activities (sports, playgrounds), wildlife, absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. Win:win all around. In the last 2 years of so I have noticed that many of our parks are managed/maintained less and less by our local Council/contractors and more of them seem to be relying on local volunteers. This works up to a point. Willing and able volunteers do a great job but some tasks may not suitable for them - fallen trees, dredging ponds etc. Random visits by contractors seem to blitz everything in sight as they have no time to do a less brutal job. Please look after our parks and green spaces - they are essential.

Air pollution is a huge concern for me. It is unavoidable, to state the obvious. From traffic, industries and big plants such as incinerators. The move to promote electric vehicles will help - lets have more charging points out there, and more electric buses and goods vehicles. I was absolutely amazed (not in a good way) to hear about a new waste incinerator being built in a highly populated area right now. Why on earth is this allowed to happen? Surely pumping noxious fumes over vast numbers of people can't be right? And why are recyclable materials being allowed to go up in smoke (and then into our lungs?). More recycling please. And even more recycling.

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant
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I live in a pleasant area with plenty of open space and trees. There is more traffic than I would like, and certainly more litter. I wish people would appreciate and care for their environment. I pick up recyclables in the street and...

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I live in a pleasant area with plenty of open space and trees. There is more traffic than I would like, and certainly more litter. I wish people would appreciate and care for their environment. I pick up recyclables in the street and recycle them in my own green bin. We have a leisure centre and there is exercise equipment in the park. I don't use either as I think I have enough exercise as it is.

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Fly-tipping has become a significant issue locally.

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Fly tipping is a very big issue in my area. There's trash everywhere. I think the council should educate people much more about the importance to keep a better environment for everyone.

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Good things:
Lots of parks and outdoor areas
Lots of groups to join and take part in new activities
Low crime
Good community feel and support
Good public transport

Bad things:
Too many cars and thus pollution
No facilities for teenagers

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I would like to see a lot more done about air quality in my local area, especially traffic fumes. Car pollution is appalling in West Dulwich. The fumes, noise, aggression and selfishness make me into a nervous wreck.

In our local park...

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I would like to see a lot more done about air quality in my local area, especially traffic fumes. Car pollution is appalling in West Dulwich. The fumes, noise, aggression and selfishness make me into a nervous wreck.

In our local park there is an outdoor gym for adults, but it is always overrun with children who could/should be using the plentiful equipment in the playground. Even if you stand nearby hoping to get a turn, they won't budge and their parents seem to think it's a right for them to use the adult equipment for as long as they want, even if an adult is waiting.

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Drinking, smoking and using drugs in local park puts me off going there. Also rape, stubbing and robbing frequency is rising. Women are even advised not to go out alone. Not easy to get healthy physical activity. Outdoor exercises are...

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Drinking, smoking and using drugs in local park puts me off going there. Also rape, stubbing and robbing frequency is rising. Women are even advised not to go out alone. Not easy to get healthy physical activity. Outdoor exercises are better for your mental wellbeing than the gym.
Installing CCTV cameras would make our parks safer.

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Avatar for - Amur leopard
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So with you on this...I was told by police not to walk through my local park gardens anymore...Wt£? So the perpetrators win!

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Air pollution on London streets needs to be met by restricting road traffic to vehicles that meet stringent emission standards. Pedestrianising streets such as Oxford St is NOT the solution, as this would simply re-route the polluting...

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Air pollution on London streets needs to be met by restricting road traffic to vehicles that meet stringent emission standards. Pedestrianising streets such as Oxford St is NOT the solution, as this would simply re-route the polluting vehicles to neighbouring streets which are more residential than Oxford St, thereby compounding the problem for many more Londoners rather than solving it.

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A. Local TRA hall activities that burden residents with noise on Sunday afternoons, loud bongo and drum kit, amplified singing in a hall unsuitable to cater for it, the noise when users leave is still a burden. Feet away from our flats...

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A. Local TRA hall activities that burden residents with noise on Sunday afternoons, loud bongo and drum kit, amplified singing in a hall unsuitable to cater for it, the noise when users leave is still a burden. Feet away from our flats, Camden council do nothing to protect those that have a right to a peaceful and quiet enjoyment of tenancy and are leaseholders that pay for this. The noise is so loud that it still penetrates into our flat when using our audio or TV. B. Noise from other flats, "Noisy Neighbours" above who continually drop items and intentionally bang on our ceiling out of spite along with their anti social visitors. C. Contractors works in the tower block that have to be redone due to poor standards that create as much noise over the months it took to do them. D. Contractors vans slamming doors right underneath our flats when they could park elsewhere away from buildings. E. Contractors and council staff should not be allowed onto estates until AFTER 08.00hrs as policy, some arrive from 07.00hrs slam doors and then threaten us with an harassment order just for asking them not to do this (Camden Housing office staff managers). F. The smell of cannabis and cooking fumes that seep into our flats due to fire blocks not being refitted. Bacton Tower NW5, contractors failed to refit after the alleged "Home Improvements". G. Screaming children and the clanging of metal from the local Nursery yards away from the tower block. H. The local TRA holding a BBQ directly under our flats that allowed smoke to come into our homes and stink the place out, there response was hostile, they could not care....local councillor part of it. I. No facilities fro musicians to practice, we are not allowed to play musical instruments in small flats so there should be facilities made available separately. J. The incompetence of council staff effects health, dealing with officers from the council that make illogical vindictive decisions that fail common sense.

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Avatar for - Monarch butterfly
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I like to see trees - the more the better. It helps to 'soften' an area and take away the brutality of pavement, stone and brick. I live in Enfield, which is a pretty leafy borough and we have a park nearby with a lake and assorted wildlife...

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I like to see trees - the more the better. It helps to 'soften' an area and take away the brutality of pavement, stone and brick. I live in Enfield, which is a pretty leafy borough and we have a park nearby with a lake and assorted wildlife. The New River runs through the town.

Part of being a healthy community is having a nice place to live and this is clearly a problem for many at the moment, with the obscene prices of property and also of rents. We badly need more affordable homes and good quality social housing.

Good transport links are also vital for a healthy community in order to get to work easily, to see friends or family and to go shopping or sight seeing in the local area or elsewhere. At. the moment, Enfield is suffering the imposition of a segregated cycle lane along the A105 between Palmers Green and Enfield and that is causing absolute chaos and mayhem. The thinking is that this will get more folk out cycling, which would reduce traffic and make folk more healthy - this is a laudable aim, but this cycle lane is not the way to achieve that in my view and also in the view of many of us in the area. About £42M is being spent on this project - I would say wasted on this project, as I would have thought the council would have higher priorities, like finding affordable homes. What was once a wide road has now been reduced in width, so that cars will be blocked from overtaking buses in the rush hour period, which will add to pollution and will also mean that emergency services will have a problem in the future getting through at these times. Bus lanes have been replaced by these cycle lanes, thus slowing down the buses as well. Several businesses have had to shut, partly through high rates and also because of the prolonged road works which has interfered with their trade, thus not helping with a policy of regeneration, which ironically Enfield Council want to achieve. Even one or two cycle shops have closed!

Never mind, we have local elections next year..

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant
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Pollution from cars is grim, and I [have no choice but to] live on the high street. We're also assaulted by fumes and god-knows-what from the various frying fast-food places around. There's no escape, because it comes right into the flat...

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Pollution from cars is grim, and I [have no choice but to] live on the high street. We're also assaulted by fumes and god-knows-what from the various frying fast-food places around. There's no escape, because it comes right into the flat. Council is indifferent and/or lacks powers to get them to filter better.

Noise pollution from late night deliveries is a constant sleep-disrupter. We battle them constantly, they come back constantly. Sleep deprivation from this has made me feel murderous many times.

Feral kids roaming around, breaking in - the feeling of being under siege and police not interested is stress-inducing.

There are no health/leisure facilities where I live (or none that I would want to/could afford to frequent as an older woman). The one good thing is the allotments dotted around. That's a real, total haven of peace, like-minded people and healthy food. Without that, I'd probably have cracked.

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Too many fast food shops and not enough genuine traditional food shops like a butcher, baker, fishmonger, etc. Too much vehicular traffic. Litter and particularly fly tipping is a problem too. Penalties should be prescribed to business and...

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Too many fast food shops and not enough genuine traditional food shops like a butcher, baker, fishmonger, etc. Too much vehicular traffic. Litter and particularly fly tipping is a problem too. Penalties should be prescribed to business and consumers alike.

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