Agenda item

Discussion on Youth Violence and Safety

LYA Members will take part in a question and answer session with the Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Martin Hewitt.


LYA Members to update group on initiatives and programmes in their local area.


3.1  The LYA held a question and answer session with Martin Hewitt the Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).


3.2  The Chair, NPCC, discussed:

·  The role of the National Police Chiefs’ Council;

·  The differences in policing in 2019 compared to the 1970s.

·  The difficulties police face in building relationships with particular communities; and

·  Issues relating to globalisation in London, technology, violence and mental health, the role of the media, stop and search, and gangs.


3.3  The Chair of the NNPC made it clear that although part of the role of the police is to enforce the law partnership working across agencies and sectors is required to stop youth violence.


3.4  Members of the LYA asked a number of questions of the Chair, NPCC, key summary points of his responses are listed below:

  Immediate responses to youth violence

·  The Mayor of London set up the Violence Reduction Task Force to provide a multiagency response and has since set up the Violence Reduction Unit;

·  The police are also doing a large amount of work around recovery of weapons, searches and making arrests;

·  Education on the self esteem of young people is being included in all education provisions to help provide young people with a meaningful life.

  Engagement with the police

·  The MPS increased the number of officers working with schools including a nominated officer working at each school as part of their leadership team;

·  Neighbourhood policing has been protected despite budget cuts to local authorities and the MPS;

·  The MPS have faced difficulties when developing positive relationships with young people so have been using the police community support group for some outreach work.


  Youth Advisory Groups

·  Despite there being a number of advisory groups there is not currently a youth advisory group;

·  Further work needs to take place on how to get young people involved as their voices should be heard.


Police presence

·  The Violent Crime Task Force has a number of dedicated officers able to move to parts London based on the intelligence and evidence the MPS has on where violence is likely to take place.


  The MPS and BAME communities

·  There is a racial bias as stop and search disproportionately affects people from BAME communities more than the rest of London’s population;

·  Those injured and suspected in cases of youth violence also disproportionately affects BAME communities, although this varies across London;

·  The Gangs Matrix does not contain figures on all violence.


  Primary school aged children

·  County lines operations have seen young people aged 10/11 years old carrying drugs across the country;

·  The MPS wants to be involved in primary and secondary school education to explain the dangers to young people of issues relating to gangs, drugs and online risks;

·  The period of transition between primary and secondary school is a key period as young people become more independent and their views of the world changes.


3.5  At the end of the question and answer session the Chair thanked Martin Hewitt on behalf of the LYA.