Housing Investment Group


Information about Housing Investment Group

The Housing Investment Group is a sub-group of the Investment and Performance Board. Its main roles are to:

  • Monitor and make recommendations on the delivery of the GLA’s housing investment programmes and other programmes within the GLA’s Housing and Land Directorate;
  • Consider all land acquisitions and disposals prior to any decision by the Mayor or GLA officers as delegated;
  • Consider and make recommendations to the Investment & Performance Board, Mayor or GLA officers as delegated on housing and housing-led regeneration projects/programmes;


Details of the Group’s membership and its full terms of reference are available here.


The Group meets on a roughly monthly basis. Meetings are not open to the public. However, agendas, minutes and other papers for meetings of this Group may be accessed by date.


Agendas are usually published at least two clear working days before the meeting to which they relate. Summary minutes of the meetings of the Group are published within two weeks of the meeting to which they relate.


Agendas and minutes for meetings held prior to January 2013 are available here.