Agenda item

Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements

To receive any apologies for absence and any announcements from the Chair.


1.1  The Chair explained that the meeting was being held on a virtual basis, in accordance with Government regulations, and Assembly Members were participating remotely.


1.2  The Clerk read the roll-call of Assembly Members who were participating remotely. There were no apologies for absence.


1.3  The Chair provided an update on recent Assembly activity, including: attendance by Assembly Members and the Mayor, as well as the rest of the GLA, at an online Remembrance Day service; the holding of the first virtual People’s Question Time; the publication of survey results by the Health Committee on vaccine opinions in London, showing a quarter of Londoners did not want a COVID-19 vaccine and a discussion at Environment Committee on air pollution around schools and what more can be done to protect young Londoners. The Chair highlighted the end of the virtual Diwali festival and celebration of the Hindu new year, as well as upcoming Hanukkah and Christmas celebrations.