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London Assembly

Reaching Out - Is the Mayor Listening?

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Publication type: General

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Reaching Out - Is the Mayor Listening? PDFReaching Out - Is the Mayor Listening? RTF

The London Assembly is committed to ensuring that the GLA is an exemplar for public consultation. In his election manifesto, the Mayor promised to ‘introduce the most open, accessible and inclusive style of government ever in the UK’. This report examines the extent to which he has met that promise. It finds that, while there has been some good work undertaken by GLA officers, the Mayor’s appreciation of the benefits of consultation is limited and his personal views do not seem to tally with his early commitments. The Committee believes that the Mayor needs to renew his commitment to listen to Londoners. The report recommends the development of a clear corporate Consultation Strategy, greater provision of information about opportunities to participate, more feedback on how responses have been considered as part of the decision-making process, and proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the Mayor’s consultation activities.

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