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London Assembly

London Plan response

London Plan front cover graphic

Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:


The London Assembly Planning Committee’s 110-page response to the London Plan consultation represents a substantial and comprehensive assessment of the Mayor’s proposals, with contributions from all the Assembly Committees. It has cross-party support.

The response:

  • welcomes the Mayor’s decision to continue to accommodate London’s growth within its boundaries, without encroaching on the Green Belt or by building on London’s open spaces
  • recognises that, to do this, the density of development must be higher than in the past – but only if it is to the highest quality of design, with adequate supporting infrastructure, and with the support of local communities
  • raises concerns that to achieve the Mayor’s objectives of Good Growth, more work needs to be done on delivering new homes – they must be the right size and type for the capital’s housing need
  • highlights that the Plan is asking boroughs to do more work to ensure London’s growth is good. But the Mayor’s proposals will require a wide range of skills – including planning, urban design, architecture, engineering and conservation experts. A total of 91% of London Boroughs say they don’t have enough people with those skills
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London Assembly response to the London Plan