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Hate Crime Reduction Strategy

Key information

Publication type: Consultation

Start date: Friday 5 September 2014


The Mayor’s vision is for London “to be the safest global city on earth”. This includes helping communities to have the confidence to report hate crime and know that the police and partners will respond appropriately to their needs.

London is one of the most diverse cities in the world. This is cause for celebration. However, unfortunately, some people are targeted just because of who they are. Hate crime makes victims of whole communities with repercussions beyond those being targeted.

In the Police and Crime Plan, the Mayor recognised that levels of hate crime are too high and that there is significant under reporting. Reducing hate crime is a strategic priority for the Mayor, but this can only be achieved by working together with partners.

As part of his commitment to driving down hate crime, the Mayor will use his leadership role to bring partners and London’s diverse communities together to deliver an effective strategy to tackle hate crime across the capital.

Please see the draft proposals below. These may be read and used in conjunction with the consultation survey to feed in your views.

Please take this opportunity to feed your views into the consultation by completing this survey. The consultation closes on 5 September 2014. The final strategy was published in December 2014.

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Related documents

270626 Draft hate crime consultation paper final.pdf

Developing a Hate Crime Reduction Strategy

Developing a Hate Crime Reduction Strategy Easy Read.pdf