Agenda item

Request for use of Section 60 (1) Powers - Transport Committee

Report of: Executive Director of Secretariat 

Contact: John Barry, [email protected] tel: 020 7983 4425


That the Assembly agrees to the request of the Transport Committee to use its powers under Section 60 (1) of the Greater London Authority Act to request that the Mayor responds to recommendations 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Committee’s report, The State of the Underground.


7.1  The Assembly received the report of the Executive Director of Secretariat.


7.2  Resolved:


That the request of the Transport Committee that the Assembly uses its powers under Section 60 (1) of the Greater London Authority Act to request that the Mayor responds to recommendations 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Committee’s report, The State of the Underground, be agreed.

Supporting documents: