GLA Oversight Committee


Information about GLA Oversight Committee

Formerly the Business Management and Administration Committee, the GLA Oversight Committee is responsible for a range of matters, including responding on the Assembly’s behalf to formal staffing consultations from the Head of Paid Service, monitoring scrutiny expenditure and approving the expenditure over a certain level, approving rapporteurship proposals, overseeing the programming of the Assembly’s business and recommending to the Mayor a budget proposal for the Assembly for the financial year and then allocating that budget. In addition, the GLA Oversight Committee now has responsibility for scrutinising any actions or decisions taken by the Mayor on matters relating to education. The Committee usually meets ten times a year.


Agendas, minutes and other papers for meetings of this committee may be accessed above. Agendas, minutes and other papers for meetings of the Business Management and Administration Committee can be accessed here.


The GLA Oversight Committee’s terms of reference can be viewed here.